Offshore Industry in the Argentine Sea

Argentina has an extensive underwater platform beneath its Exclusive Economic Zone and the Río de la Plata Maritime Front with a great potential of hydrocarbon resources which are part of the inalienable and imprescriptible heritage of this Nation-State.

Last November 4th, pursuant to Resolution 65/2018 issued by the Secretariat of Energy, which reports to the Treasury Department, a new call was launched for the selection of companies engaged in the exploration and subsequent exploitation of mining resources in the Argentine Continental Shelf through the “Offshore International Public Tender No. 1.”

This measure reinforces the position adopted by the Executive aimed at meeting the purpose set by Law No. 17319 regarding hydrocarbon self-supply, by conceding the license for the research, exploration, and exploitation of the Argentine Continental Shelf.

The exploration permissions cover around 200,000 square kilometers, representing a total of 38 blocks to awarded, and involve the Austral Marina, West Malvinas, and North Argentina basins.

The terms and conditions of the “Offshore International Public Tender No. 1” can be found at the following link:

For further information, do not hesitate to contact us.