Seminar on Fishing in the Sea

On April 1st, 2019, the University Institute of Maritime Safety, dependent on thePrefectura Naval Argentina (PNA, Argentine Maritime Authority), in coordination with the Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal (Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires), organized a seminar on “Fishing in the Sea.”

The notable speaker and international lecturer, Dr. Nengye Liu, full professor in the Law School of the University of Adelaide, Australia, graduated lawyer from the University of Wuhan, China (LLM, LLM), and the University of Ghent, Belgium (PHD), was part of this seminar. His research projects are focused on the role of China in the ocean governance, with special emphasis in the polar regions.

Dr. Liu lectured on “Fishing Regulation of China in Distant Waters,” giving particular relevance to the geopolitical and geoeconomic approach to the current position of the “Asian Giant” as the second biggest economy in the world, and to China’s global expansion of resource exploitation activities. Besides, he provided a precise analysis of immediate legal consequences arising from the interaction of fishing activity in distant waters and coastal countries around which this activity is performed.

Other participants in this seminar were Prefect Sergio Almada, Director of Training Courses, and former Liaison Officer of the PNA with the U.S. Maritime Authority (USCG), and Prefect Carlos Apablaza, Chief of the Officers School Department and former Master of the Coast Guard Vessel PNA GC29 “Prefecto Derbes.”

They lectured on “Law of the Sea Enforcement – Exercise of Jurisdiction in the EEZ.” On this occasion, they explained the patrol procedure followed by the maritime authority when it controls and protects the living resources of Argentina at mile 201. They also analysed the most important impasses which have taken place during the last years as a result of the illegal fishing practices by foreign flag vessels within the EEZ, and the relevant response of the corresponding authorities.

Dr. María Belén Espiñeira, Director of the Specialisation Course on Management in Protection to the Marine Environment held by the University Institute of Maritime Safety dependant on the Maritime Authority,  moderated the session and summarized the presentations as follows:

¨The global economic changes, mainly emerging from the impact of China’s economic growth, present new challenges and necessities in the international community and particularly, in the fishing industry, since its indiscriminate exercise, without any sustainability or efforts to preserve species and sensitive sea areas —specially, in Antarctica— may cause serious environmental problems.

These new challenges require immediate attention in the agenda of international organizations and the promotion of dialogue and debate among representatives of coastal states and fishing vessels flagging countries. They need to find a balance between the opposing interests, the way to properly regulate the fishing activity with sustainability, and the vehicle to engage all the interested parties to respect it.¨