NEW System for Holds Inspection

The Argentine National Service of Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA) issued the Resolution 708/2022, in force since the day after its publication in the Official Gazette on November 4th, 2022. This new resolution approves the “Aptitude control system for loading of holds and tanks of ships and barges for the export of grains, their products and by-products”, which is detailed in Annex I and shall be implemented, on a mandatory basis, in all holds and tanks of ships and barges intended for the loading of grains, their products and by-products destined for export and whose enforcement authority is the SENASA.

This control system shall be applicable in river and sea ports, outposts, waiting areas, docks, roadsteads or any other place considered suitable for verifying the conditions provided for in the mentioned resolution.

Moreover, this new resolution:

♦ Approves the new “Regulation of the Certifying Entities of the Aptitude control system for loading of holds and tanks of ships and barges for the export of grains, their products and by-products, for International Trade”, which is included as Annex II of the resolution.

♦ Approves the “Regulation of the activities of the accredited hold/tank inspectors”, which is included as Annex III.

♦ Approves the “Supervision Procedure of the Aptitude control system for loading of holds and tanks of ships and barges for the export of grains, their products and by-products”, which is included as Annex IV.

♦ Approves the “Vessel Selection Procedure”, which is included as Annex V.

♦ Approves the “Hold/Tank Inspection Report”, which is included as Annex VI.

♦ Approves the “Hold/Tank Supervision Report”, which is included as Annex VII.

♦ Establishes the mandatory registration in the Registry of Integrity and Transparency for Companies and Entities (RITE) of the ANTI-CORRUPTION OFFICE, of all certifying entities, as of April 1, 2023.

♦ Establishes the application of penalties, as of April 1, 2023, to those violating the resolution under the provisions of Chapter V of Law No. 27,233, without prejudice to the preventive measures that could be adopted, as determined by Resolution No. 38 of February 3, 2012 of the then MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES, its amendments or the rule replacing it in the future.

♦ Repeals Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Resolution RESOL-2017-693-APN- PRES#SENASA of October 19th, 2017, issued by the SENASA.

♦ Repeals Resolutions RESOL-2019-813-APN-PRES#SENASA of July 11, 2019 and RESOL-2020-861-APN-PRES#SENASA of November 17th, 2020, both issued by the SENESA.

We share the full text of the new resolution and its annexes, which you can access at the following link